1 - Aggravation 2 - Anagram (Ana Gram) 3 - Ants in the Pants 4 - Arm wrestle 5 - Baccarat 6 - Ball 7 - Barbie's Dream Date 8 - Barrel of Monkeys 9 - Baseball 10 - Basketball 11 - Battleship 12 - Bingo 13 - Blackjack (Black, Jack) 14 - Blind Man's Bluff 15 - Boggle 16 - Bowling 17 - Boxing 18 - Bridge 19 - Candyland 20 - Cards 21 - Catch 22 - Charade 23 - Checkers 24 - Chutes and Ladders 25 - Civilization 26 - Clue 27 - Concentration 28 - Connect Four 29 - Consequences 30 - Cootie (cooties) 31 - Cops and Robbers 32 - Cribbage 33 - Croquet 34 - Crosswords (cross words) 35 - Dart 36 - Dodgeball 37 - Dominoes (Domino's) 38 - Doom 39 - Duck Duck Goose 40 - Flinch 41 - Follow the Leader 42 - Gin Rummy (gin, rum... "My,) 43 - Go 44 - Go Fish 45 - Golf 46 - Hangman (hang, man) 47 - Hearts 48 - Hockey 49 - Hopscotch (hops, scotch) 50 - Horseshoes 51 - How To Host a Murder 52 - Hungry Hungry Hippos 53 - I Spy 54 - Jacks (Jack's) 55 - Jenga 56 - Jeopardy 57 - Jigsaw Puzzle 58 - Juggle 59 - Jump Rope (jump -- rope) 60 - Jumping Jack 61 - Keep Away 62 - Kerplunk 63 - Kick the Can 64 - King of the Hill 65 - Lacrosse 66 - London Bridge 67 - Mah Jongg 68 - Marbles 69 - Mastermind 70 - Monopoly 71 - Mother, May I 72 - Mousetrap 73 - Musical Chairs 74 - Myst 75 - Mystery Date 76 - Old Maid 77 - Operation 78 - Othello 79 - Ouija Board 80 - Pacman (pack, man) 81 - Parcheesi (parch--easy) 82 - Password 83 - Patty-cake (Patty! Cake) 84 - Payday 85 - Peek-a-boo 86 - Pick Up Sticks 87 - Poker 88 - Polo 89 - Pool 90 - Puzzle 91 - Race 92 - Racko (rack. "Oh my God) 93 - Red Light/Green Light 94 - Red Rover 95 - Risk 96 - Rock 'em. Sock 'em. 97 - Roulette 98 - RPG - role-playing game 99 - Scavenger Hunt 100 - Scrabble 101 - Simon Says 102 - Skating 103 - Ski 104 - Slug Bug 105 - Snap 106 - Snooker 107 - Solitaire 108 - Sorry! 109 - Spades 110 - Spin the Bottle 111 - Tag 112 - The Game of Life 113 - Tic Tac Toe (tic tac, toe nail) 114 - Tiddly Winks 115 - Treasure Hunt 116 - Trivial Pursuit 117 - Trouble 118 - Trumps (Trump's) 119 - Truth or Dare 120 - Twister 121 - Uno 122 - Wrestling 123 - Yahtzee (yacht, Zebra)